Welcome to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Lund

The Adventist Church of Lund is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Sweden. Seventh-Day Adventists seek to help people understand the Bible in order to find peace, health and hope in Jesus.

We also sometimes livestream our services at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lundadventist

For offering and gifts to the local church use:
SWISH: 123 078 69 70
BANKGIRO: 5657-0443
Mark the payment with “Gift” or “Offering”.

For tithes and gifts to foreign mission and the 13th Sabbath offering use:
SWISH: 123 419 41 48
BANKGIRO: 269-9973
Mark the payment with “Tithe” or “Foreign mission”/”13th Sabbath”.

Click the link below to sign up for our weekly newsletter:

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Kl. 10:00 Bibelstudium
Kl. 11:30 Gudstjänst
Kl. 13:00 Gemenskapslunch

Det finns program för barn och engelskspråkiga!
Adress: För det mesta är vi på Samlingslokalen, Bantorget 5, Lund, men ibland även på EFS kapellet (Biskopsgatan 10, Lund). Se kalender för aktuell plats.