COVID-19 Restrictions for Lund Adventist Church 2021

Uppdated 2021-05-28

From June 1, the SDA Church in Lund will open up for max 50 physical participants in their hired venues (IOGT-NTO, Bantorget 5, Lund, unless something else is mentioned).

If you desire to participate we kindly ask that you abide by the following regulations:
⁃ Stay home if you are sick or have any flu symptoms.
⁃ Don’t initiate handshakes or hugs.
⁃ Have good hygiene (wash your hands and cough only in elbow).
⁃ Avoid crowdedness (Try to keep a distance of 1 m to other companies).

Thank you for your understanding!

Online participants will be projected on the screen at the venue. If you will not come physically, you can join via this link:
Passcode: 1844

Följ oss på Facebook

Kl. 10:00 Bibelstudium
Kl. 11:30 Gudstjänst
Kl. 13:00 Gemenskapslunch

Det finns program för barn och engelskspråkiga!
Adress: För det mesta är vi på IOGT-NTO (Bantorget 5, Lund) men ibland även på EFS kapellet (Biskopsgatan 10, Lund). Se kalender för aktuell plats.